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music MINISTRy

PRBC Staff 2017-14.jpg

"The purpose of the music ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song.  To lead the congregation in heartfelt worship and praise.  To provide a way for individuals to share their talents and gifts for the Lord, as they participate in the worship service."                           


Music Director,  Jim Reuter

Sanctuary Choir
Our choir sings every Sunday morning from September to May.  If you love to sing, you are invited to participate in this ministry -- even if you are not a member of the church!   "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!"

Choir Musicals/ Dramas
Christmas and Easter are favorite times for our choir!  Our annual Christmas cantatas are enjoyed both at our church and at various venues throughout our community.  The annual Easter drama is done with a dramatic flair -- with both actors and video joining the choir musical!  


Musical Groups & Soloists

Talented choir members are used to make up trios, quartets, ensembles and soloists to enhance the music worship provided at the church

Those with an accomplished talent in various instruments are invited to use their skills to help support the congregational singing.  This ministry is open to both members and non-members.

Winter concert series
Our concert series is held from January through March of each year.  Nationally known musical groups are brought in as featured guests.  In addition to being a blessing to our church people, the concert series is also intended to be an outreach to our community.  You can view 2025 schedule on the home page.

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