Failure to launch is a way to describe a young adult who is struggling in the transition to adulthood. While many factors should be taken into consideration, he usually experiences some of the following. He doesn’t want to leave home. He may have a poor work ethic and a low level of motivation and persistence. He may even expect others to do everything for him. If the young man were a bird, there would come a time that he would be kicked out of the nest.
The nation of Israel experienced a “failure to launch syndrome”. After escaping Egypt God was leading them through the wilderness to the Promised Land. As they got to the borders, they sent spies to survey the land, observe the fortifications, and find out about the people. When the twelve spies returned, they reported how fruitful this land was. They described it as a land “flowing with milk and honey”. However, ten of the spies focused on how difficult it would be to conquer Canaan. The land had walled cities, fierce pagan people who were extremely wicked, and there were giants. The nation of Israel saw the beauty and fruitfulness of this land, yet they voted not to go in to possess it. God promised them that this land was a gift to them from Him. He also assured them of His presence and His power in battle, yet they experienced a failure to launch. Fear, unbelief, and hard days in battle kept them out of the Promised Land for 40 years.
God has a promised land of blessing for His children today. He wants us to enjoy the rich fruitfulness of our life in Christ and to soak up His daily blessings. He tells us that the land with its joy and peace is ours to inherit. Romans 8:32-33 says: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things”? The promised land of the abundant life is ours to inherit. Are we bold enough to claim it or will we too experience a failure to launch?