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Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

Occupying Every Room

Like many in Southwest Florida, Hurricane Ian damaged our home. Beside the roof, soffit, and gutter damage two of our rooms were not habitable. The ceilings collapsed and the flooring and furniture had to be removed due to water damage. Finally, after a year we are just about finished with the repairs. We were blessed that we did not have to evacuate. But I look forward to being able to fully occupy every room of our home.

As Paul was writing to the believers in Ephesus, he desired that they fully understand the riches of their position in Christ. In Eph. 3:16 he prayed that Christ would strengthen them through the Holy Spirit. In the next verse he continues his prayerful desire for these and all believers with these words: “That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith…” (Eph. 3:17). They were believers and as children of God, Christ was already dwelling in them. So why did Paul pray that Christ may dwell in their hearts? Paul said something similar when he said in Phil. 3:10: “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death”. Paul already knew Christ but wanted to know Him on a deeper level. I believe that this verse refers to our need to allow Christ to fully occupy every area of our lives. Just as I was not able to fully occupy my home after the hurricane, sometimes we do that with our Lord.

We all have rooms where our Lord is not fully in control. Perhaps our thoughts are not always under His domain. Sometimes an addiction has taken over and is leaving a room in disarray. We may have allowed a sinful attitude like anger, jealousy, or pride to stubbornly remain.

As part of our spiritual growth, we need to allow our Heavenly Contractor to do His work renovating and remodeling us. Don’t continue to force Jesus to live only in part of your life. Let Him show you the delight He brings when every room is fully occupied by Jesus.

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