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The purpose of the Senior Adult Ministry is to bring people to Christ and to bring Christians to a closer relationship with Him; to minister to the relational needs of the local church congregation; and to encourage others to minister.
Relational needs will be met in many ways including prayer and worship activities, meetings, events, trips, lunches, concerts and other areas where Senior Adults can be of assistance.

If you are a mature adult who has reached the 60-year milestone, then join us for SAM Club! We love the Lord, love each other, and love to get out and do things together. Some of the events and trips we have experienced include:
A trip to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum and the Ark.
An annual Valentines Banquet
Baseball games with the Charlotte Stone Crabs and all you can eat picnic.
Faith night at a Tampa Bay Rays baseball game
A trip to Disney’s Epcot, Sea World and the Holy Land experience all in Orlando

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